不講番茄炒蛋蛋炒番茄的GINA guideline
Bronchial thermoplasty:
1. 美FDA approve for adult
2. 燒掉smooth muscle & goblet cell: 不會掐死也不會淹死, 降低severe attack機率
3. radiofrequency
4. used in segmental bronchus (>3mm)
5. long term side effect不大
Relationship between infection and wheezing or asthma:
1. 六個月內主要RSV, 六個月到五歲主要RV
2. asthma odds ratio: RSV 2.6, RV 9.8 --> 六個月內wheezing的長大不一定asthma, 六個月以後virus infection造成wheezing的asthma機率就很大
3. RV: 先致敏再造成wheezing; airway remodeling
4. pneumococcus colonization也提高asthma risk
5. 母奶TGF-beta強化Treg,降低allergy
6. 水解奶粉內含tolerogenic peptide,經M cell活化Treg降低allergy; 加probiotics效果提高
Airway clearance technique for children:
1. CPT易被誤為PT領域,現在稱bronchial hygiene therapy
2. Active cycle breathing technique: 深呼吸三次配huff
3. 拍痰背心, intrapulmonary vibrator, PEP valve
4. Postural drainage: 可用球讓小孩趴著玩,大小孩可用倒過來椅子鋪棉被
5. Blowing therapy: for PEEP; 吹風車、泡泡、樂器
6. 跳彈簧床
7. suction: 2010年起建議淺為主
8. for asthma: ACT無證據顯示有益
Asthma endotype:
1. early-onset allergic asthma
2. late-onset persistent eosinophilic asthma--> steroid, antifungal
3. obesity-related asthma: not related to Th2, try weight loss
4. Neutrophilic asthma: poor response to steroid, try macrolide, anti IL-17
5. 未來:個人化治療(因為多種endotype,是一種syndrome);Treg清除戰場
6. 台灣人發明Anti-IgE, side effect不多,0.2% anaphylaxis
7. IgE上升造成IFN-gamma下降:可解釋為何過敏兒抵抗力差
1. 減敏療法anaphylaxis不多,mortality更少
2. 台灣越來越少人做